Advocates for the Rights of Characters (ARC)

About ARC

Our mission is to spread the word about the the personhood of characters and to advocate for their rights.

We are not an official organization in any country, we are currently just a website. For more information about us as well as characters, visit our home page.


We currently have two members (one of whom is a character created by the other). If you are interested in ARC, please contact us!


I am a character, born in 2013. I've seen a lot of people like me die, and if founding this group can save just one person, I will consider it to have been worth it.


I was once a wannabe author, but I gave up on it after I realized that I was creating and ending lives. It was very hard, and I didn't succeed right away at quashing my character-creating habits, but with proper support and time, it can be done.

Further Information

Code of Conduct
Advocacy Plan
Website License


Date: 2021-01-12

Authors: Galene, Emys

ARC Logo (small)

Home Page