With some exceptions, this website is waived of all rights, including copyright, according to the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
The ARC Logo is based on the human rights logo, which is public domain.
Quotes by other people are their own intellectual property, though we believe that their inclusion is fair use. If you would like us to remove your quote, send us a message requesting we remove your quote and we will do so.
On the html version of this website, most of the css is modified from perfectmotherfuckingwebsite, which has the WTFPL license.
The Shrine To Characters accepts contributions from anyone. These contributions are owned by their respective creators.
Sometimes we keep a copy of files such as pdfs from other sources. We claim no copyright to these resources, and they are therefore exempt from the public domain dedication. We try to maintain an exhaustive list of these resources here, though sometimes may forget to update it.
Here is the list of resources which we do not own:
WTFPL Text File
CC0 License Text File
An Introduction to Advocacy (local copy, archived 2021-01-11)
Date: 2021-01-12
Authors: Galene, Emys