Advocates for the Rights of Characters (ARC)

Advice For Coexistence With Your Characters

Everyone is different, so it's difficult to give general advice. For every piece of advice I could give, there are people who need to hear the opposite. Still, I'll do my best to give good advice, based on my own experience.

Be Patient

Things take time. It took years before me and Emys were on truly good terms. Try to gradually move forward, but also don't worry too much when things get worse again before they get better, since that's very common.


Sharing a brain is hard. It's likely you'll hurt each other sometimes, possibly hurt each other in ways you'd normally consider unforgivable. Unfortunately there's no way for you to separate, so finding ways to move on is completely necessary.

Find Group Activities

Find things that you enjoy doing together. If you're a character, try to find ways to insert yourself into your author's activities. For example, when my headmate plays video games, I'll imagine what it would feel like to be doing what the character in the video game is doing (jumping, climbing), and I enjoy that.

Talk To Each Other

The easiest thing to do is talk to each other, so do it often. While you're buying groceries, chat about what you're buying. While cleaning, talk about things. Randomly ask each other questions. This helps younger headmates grow, and gives everyone time to be themselves.

Learn Switching

If there's one technique to learn from tulpas, it's switching. Switching means giving control of the body to a headmate. This can be difficult, but for a character normally stuck in an author's brain, having a physical body opens up a lot of possibilities. I don't have a specific guide to it which I recommend, but you should be able to find resources on tulpa websites like these:[^][^]

Learning from the tulpamancy community is a good idea, since they've got a lot of experience with these things. See also our page about tuplamancy.


Date: 2021-01-12

Author: Galene

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